CmtSingleStartDelim ARRAY [0..(SoftMotion_Token_Constants [...] VarBracketStartDelim ARRAY [0..(SoftMotion_Token_Constants [...] VarBracketEndDelim ARRAY [0..(SoftMotion_Token_Constants
FileSizeAndPos (Method) LogObjectAddrString (Method) LogObjectPropertyAddrString [...] Path (Property) ToString ReadRangeInfoToString
) ComponentConstants (GVL [...] (Function) ErrorPLCHToString (Function) ErrorToString
(Function) ErrorToString [...] BuildItemErrorCode (Function) UtilByteToHexString [...] GetHostName (Function) UtilGuidToString
Constant TABLE [...] ExpressionTableEx STRING_LENGTH_EXP INT 255 string length
Aliases Constants (GVL [...] _MEMORY (Function) STRING COPY_TO_STRING (Function) FROM_STRING
Constant RTS [...] =”IN”>ASCII strings [...] =”IN”>Unicode strings</element> RTS
Ua ¶ ComponentConstants [...] ) Logging OpcUaStatusCodeToString [...] NullOrEmptySecurityPolicy (Function) SafeString
Constant g [...] elements g_diMaxString [...] size of STRINGs (in
_SELECTION_AT Returnvalue is a constant of Visu_Selection_Constants [...] stPosition STRING