Socket2 Interfaces, * (System) SysTypes [...] Socket Interfaces ¶ Library [...] Socket Interfaces Version: newest
an INode object to an IStack object. If itfNode is no IStack object function
Converts an INode object to an IBus object. If itfNode is no IBus object function
an INode object to an IDevice object. If itfNode is no IDevice object function
AssemblyByID : CIP_Object.IAssembly This method returns an CIP_Object.IAssembly Object by Instance
Name ProtocolObjectTypes [...] Name (Property) ProtocolObjectTypes [...] Device EXTENDS BACnetStaticObject
Command EXTENDS BACnetStaticObject [...] BACnet-Command-Object [...] -Properties of the reflected BACnet-Object
EventLog EXTENDS BACnetStaticObject [...] BACnet-EventLog-Object [...] -Properties of the reflected BACnet-Object
AlertEnrollment EXTENDS BACnetStaticObject [...] BACnet-Alert-Enrollment-Object [...] -Properties of the reflected BACnet-Object
AuditLog EXTENDS BACnetStaticObject [...] BACnet-Audit-Log-Object [...] -Properties of the reflected BACnet-Object