CODESYS Development System
, data type). Syntax : [...] whose type matches
>$ Valid IEC base types [...] variable of type SMC [...] as an unchangeable data structure
CODESYS Development System
-click in the Data Type column [...] ) is of a structured data type, for example
CODESYS Development System
/O Mapping tab Type Data [...] type determines [...] Mapping type
function block of type [...] it after the decoder. Set the data [...] as usual to the poqData
CODESYS Application Composer
compatible data type [...] because possibly the data [...] the data direction. A
for a specific type [...] the location where the type [...] so that the type
depending on the data type ( LREAL: 0 [...] <ParamType> <Param
CODESYS Development System
_EXTERNAL <variable name> : <data type>; END