16#1 DataType [...] StopBits UDINT 16#2 DataType [...] Parity UDINT 16#3 DataType
Point Input eType ENUM61850_DataPoint_Type [...] of the datapoint eDataType IEC61850_ENUM_MMS_DataType [...] IEC61850_Subs_InitDatapoint : tyIEC61850_SubsData
Out: Name Type Comment bDataType USINT data TYPE OF I [...] _IO_MODULE (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE DN
types, or data points [...] to data types [...] , and a data type may
.IQueryInterface Properties: DataType Id [...] Name Timestamp Structure: DataType
ErrorType typeData ErrorTypeData [...] Context (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Error
accumulated BACnet data types in form of accumulated IEC data types
Properties: AccessType DataType Formula [...] (Property) DataType
and their properties. GetBACnetDataTypeSize (Function) GetBACnetPropertyDataType
accumulated BACnet data types in form of accumulated IEC data types