fbIEC61850_Subs_ASN1_Decoder_CheckDataNum (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK [...] TotalLen DINT xError BOOL
_over_EtherCAT ¶ Function blocks [...] on the device*) sErrorText : [...] EDownload.xDone THEN sErrorText := FoEDownload.strError
DrvPfc200_Diag (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK [...] is exchanged IoDrvPfc200 xError [...] if an error has ocurred
: Function blocks [...] should be expanded. Output eError FBF.ERROR
FB function blocks. Station [...] data exchange. xError [...] error. PNIOStatus
UTCTime (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK [...] while the request is running xError [...] if an error occured. eError
RequestWriteSingle (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK [...] is running ETrigTo xError BOOL Error condition
1WebClient (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK [...] 1WebClient Function block to a send [...] Done BOOL xBusy BOOL xError
FbClientTagDataHelper (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK [...] block requires a [...] from. Output xError
FileStorage (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK [...] from FileStorageBase GetError [...] : ErrorHandling GetError