of certain data types - [...] Configuration Outstation data model OutstationData
ChangeNotification (Struct) OpcUa_DataType [...] Ua_EndpointDescription (Struct) OpcUa_EndpointUrlListDataType [...] Ua_MethodAttributes (Struct) OpcUa_ModelChangeStructureDataType
Point Input eType ENUM61850_DataPoint_Type [...] of the datapoint eDataType IEC61850_ENUM_MMS_DataType [...] IEC61850_Subs_InitDatapoint : tyIEC61850_SubsData
TYPE Guid : STRUCT InOut: Name Type data1 DWORD data
TYPE Guid : STRUCT InOut: Name Type data1 DWORD data
Name Type Comment [...] PAASelection DWORD Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
_Constants (GVL) Dialog_FormatTypes [...] PoolDialogs (ImagePool) MessageBoxDialog_Types [...] Dlg_CheckedClear (Function) VisuDlg_CheckedExpFloat
Union (UNION) ¶ TYPE Request [...] Out: Name Type read RequestDataRead write
of the protocol type. pbyData [...] IoServicesResult This method sends io-service-data [...] Out: Scope Name Type
to send data for. uiProtocolType [...] of the protocol type. pbyData [...] IoServicesItfs.SafetyIoServicesResult This method sends data