To_HexString_NLZ (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION To_HexString_NLZ : STRING
HexReal-string to a [...] description of the format [...] Input str STRING
in the standard format [...] AddString , and New
file format [...] file format [...] in git_log.message_string
VisuDlgUtil_SetbInitFormat [...] VisuDlgUtil_SetbInitFormat [...] Comment Return VisuDlgUtil_SetbInitFormat
=”OUT”>Pointer to version as string in the format “x [...] ProjectName POINTER TO STRING
the following file formats [...] Polygon File Format ( [...] of type STRING (example
Converts a string of the format R [...] and false if the format
general formatting [...] truncated strings Yes SA
format. The JSON [...] files and XML strings