-tuned with the bit mask _dw [...] ImmediateDisabling = FALSE . Bit [...] is turned on. Bit 0
Device (Bit 0, Bit 5, Bit 6, and Bit 7 [...] -Host stack.) Multiple bits
CODESYS Development System
bit X Single bit B BYTE 8 bits W WORD 16 bits D DWORD 32
. SByte = (17,) ¶ 8 bit [...] (8 bit) Int16 = (19,) ¶ 16 bit
CODESYS Development System
individual bit values [...] in succession in the bit [...] with its individual bit addresses
Bit length Help [...] /O channel Bit length Bit [...] . The bit length
Bit length Help [...] /O channel Bit length Bit [...] The bit length
:00:00, managed in a 32 Bit [...] :00:00.000, managed in a 32 Bit [...] :00:00, managed in a 32 Bit
to bit addresses [...] ; Variable (type BIT ) [...] in DUT : x, y : BIT ,
E only Identification number Name Bit length Bit length [...] . Subindex: 16# Bit length