CODESYS Development System
Type '<data type 1>' to unsigned Type '<data [...] only data types
and Data types Standard [...] variables. No warning [...] variable
_INPUT Name Data Type [...] _OUTPUT Name Data Type [...] _GuardSwitch1 SAFEBOOL FALSE Variable
CODESYS Safety for EtherCAT Safety Module
_INPUT Name Data Type [...] Data Type Initial [...] The data type must
data between a [...] project, the data [...] and write data
-defined variable lists, known [...] Storage Type Textual : [...] again only if you have not changed the variable
the data type and data [...] -related data objects (SRDOs [...] -ID that contains the data, and a
or an Output Data Point Type The data types (DPT = Data Point Types
CODESYS Development System
only for one variable array [...] to an ARRAY variable [...] variables. Declaration
type Data type [...] to the data type of the I [...] of the data type (in bits