Out: Scope Name Type [...] Cmd UINT Command pData [...] to the data to transmit di
_IEC_RESULT Decrypt data InOut: Scope Name Type [...] of the encrypted data pbyData
from the devices pi into data [...] at which the data will be read [...] of the data to read. @param
where the data will be written [...] Size of the data to write. @param data
DeviceConfig ¶ DataTypes [...] ) ReceiveData (Method) Reset (Method) SendData
recorded UseData/ReleaseData [...] be enclosed in <see>BeginDataConfiguration</see> and <see>EndData
FctGetElementEntry : POINTER TO VisuStructElementClientData [...] Type Return VisuFctGetElementEntry POINTER TO VisuStructElementClientData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] TestCase INT pTagData1 POINTER TO VisuStructClientTagData
Name Type Initial Comment Constant gc_SizeMessageData [...] of the message data. Note :
on error, e.g. if uiElemData [...] Out: Scope Name Type [...] UDINT Input pData