CAA Types Extern [...] Workgroup Title CAA Types [...] H Placeholder CAA Types
IXYChartDataProvider.GetUpdateType (METH) ¶ METHOD GetUpdateType : EnXYChartUpdateType
VisuFbXYChartDataProvider.GetUpdateType (METH) ¶ METHOD GetUpdateType : EnXYChartUpdateType
IOpcUaInstanceMetaData.GetParentReferenceType (METH) ¶ METHOD GetParentReferenceType [...] Type Return GetParentReferenceType
Types ¶ COBID (Alias) DATA (Alias)
of data type Datasource [...] The data type Datasource [...] remote data source
IIecVarAccessOpcUaMetaData.VarAccGetUAParentReferenceType (METH) ¶ METHOD VarAccGetUAParentReferenceType [...] Type Return VarAccGetUAParentReferenceType
CODESYS Development System
possible data type [...] data type, you can [...] data type. Possible
CODESYS Development System
subrange type is a data [...] data type [...] data type The lower
CODESYS Development System
data type [...] to the target data type UINT [...] from larger data types