(Property) Assigner (Property) DriverSpecific (Property) Name (Property
(Property) FB [...] (Property) Close (Method [...] BufferSize (Property) Error
Extender AsyncProperty (Folder [...] ) Globals PoolHandling [...] AsyncProperty IAsyncProperty
Properties: IsRunning KeepAliveClients Methods: Handle [...] RelevantOnlineChangeDone (Action) DoCurrentVisuHandling
only when property handling [...] StructTableColumnSimpleDynamicCellsDataBase m_pPropertyInfos POINTER TO VisuElemBase.Property
DataSize (Property) ObjectHandling [...] Internal ¶ LogObjectBaseFileHandle [...] Shutdown (Property) Init (Method
DataSize (Property) ObjectHandling [...] Internal ¶ LogObjectBaseFileHandle [...] Shutdown (Property) Init (Method
SupportsPreview (Property) LastIndex (Property) State (Property) paint
some new properties Properties: UpdateRate CustomRequestHandling
is determined by handle [...] Active is TRUE the handle [...] Activeis FALSE the handle