DataServerRequestIdentification (ENUM) ¶ TYPE DataServerRequestIdentification :
SMC_R_AxisC_Data [...] _BLOCK SMC_R_AxisC_Data InOut: Scope Name Type Inout
Out: Scope Name Type [...] ChannelHandle WORD pduData CHCProtocolDataUnit
Out: Scope Name Type [...] ChannelHandle WORD pduData CHCProtocolDataUnit
Type Inout tyMMS_DataExchange tyIEC61850_MMS_DataExchange
Type Inout tyMMS_DataExchange tyIEC61850_MMS_DataExchange
DNP3_DataCallbacks_AnalogOutput (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE DNP3_DataCallbacks_AnalogOutput : STRUCT Data
type (byData [...] Value (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE [...] Type Comment ul
E PDU The output data [...] into the user data area [...] and the input parameter S_xUseFailSafeData
E PDU The output data [...] into the user data area [...] and the input parameter S_xUseFailSafeData