REAL ; asv : ARRAY [...] of an array of SMC_SingleVar
*EndDelim with the same array index [...] _NCScanner_DelimConfig Output aValOps ARRAY
Message (Function) _CreateArray [...] (Function) _ReadArray
BufferOutQueue POINTER TO ARRAY [0 [...] -program by defining an array of SMC_GeoInfo (ExampleBuf: ARRAY
=”bStaticNodeNameOverflow”> addrParent ARRAY [0 [...] _AddrComponent fixed length array [...] _AddrComponent arbitrary length array
Buf: Array of SMC [...] BufferOutQueue POINTER TO ARRAY [0 [...] -program by defining an array of SMC
_OUT_OF_LIMITS if the array passed
PolygonPoints POINTER TO ARRAY [0
ProductName ARRAY [0..31] OF BYTE