diagram (for both the X-axis and Y-axis [...] dialog Add Y-Axis
and the horizontal axis Scale Sub [...] for rotation and scaling [...] . Scaling Variable
PathElem_Scale [...] PathElem_Scale [...] scaling for an element
TraceObject ScriptAxisSettings ScriptAxisSettings AxisScaleMode AxisScale
for rotation and scaling [...] . Scaling Variable [...] stretching Example: PLC_PRG.iScaling
Ua_LocalizedText AxisScaleType OpcUa_AxisScale [...] OpcUa_AxisInformation (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE OpcUa_Axis
scaling for an axis [...] -coordinate axis assigned [...] with the assigned coordinate axis
of the axis. This example [...] . Control of the axis [...] -controlled axis of type SM
, the Y-axis [...] is automatically scaled [...] , specified a fixed scale
in Properties . Scaling type Scaling type Defines the scaling of the height