Integration .EventServices”. PushAuthenticationHandler ( handler ) ¶ [...] the authentication handler onto
.exit() or raise a SystemExitException [...] , exception thrown [...] prompt, an InvalidCastException
OnlineDevice ValuesFailedException [...] ImportFilter() NativeImportHandler [...] ApplicationSymbolConfigExtension ScriptSymbolConfigInvalidObjectException
to the Authentication Handler [...] RetrieveLocks , bSwallowNonExistingException [...] locking information. bSwallowNonExistingException
handler. class Script [...] for this application. exception = [...] TimeoutException –
. Uncaught exceptions also [...] , with the exception message [...] . Uncaught exceptions also
OnlineDevice ValuesFailedException [...] ImportFilter() NativeImportHandler
</param> pfExceptionHandler PFTIMEREXCEPTIONHANDLER <param name=”pfExceptionHandler [...] =”IN”>Pointer to an optional exception
</param> pfExceptionHandler PFTIMEREXCEPTIONHANDLER <param name=”pfExceptionHandler [...] =”IN”>Pointer to an optional exception
=Default</param> pExceptionHandler [...] _TASK_EXCEPTIONHANDLER <param name=”pExceptionHandler [...] =”IN”>Function pointer to exception