. Internationalization (format strings [...] the format string As a [...] >.<ID> A format string
to the current display format [...] the display format by means [...] string functions Type
, such as location and format [...] are automatically transferred to [...] encoded string
STRING ) that contains [...] Visu: STRING := 'vis [...] as a string
placeholder %<format string [...] height-to-width ratio [...] . Example: . vis_FormA iDataTo
of the components CSVReader (to [...] ) and CSVWriter (to write CSV [...] in the standard format
.sendmail(fromm, [to], mail.as_string [...] .get_device_identification() print("{0}- {1} {2}".format [...] mail["To"] = to #
file format [...] file format [...] _path, repo_path) def pull_to
format. Record [...] AddToChangeList = 2 [...] from subersion. RevertTo
VisuDlgUtil_FormatValueTo [...] VisuDlgUtil_FormatValueTo [...] Comment Return VisuDlgUtil_FormatValueTo