Count GetGroupFromID GetGroupIDFromIndex GetGroupIndexFromID GetLastError GetTextIdFromGroupID
5hash of the password dwUserGroupID [...] id abyUserGroupIDs [...] group ids if the user
5hash of the password dwUserGroupID [...] id abyUserGroupIDs [...] group ids if the user
available dwUserGroupID DWORD The group id where the user belongs to adwUserGroupIDs
available dwUserGroupID DWORD The group id where the user belongs to adwUserGroupIDs
the md5hash dwUserGroupID [...] id abyUserGroupIDs [...] group ids if the user
Out: Name Type alarmID AlarmManager.ALARM_ID alarmGroupID AlarmManager.ALARMGROUP_ID
FullUserName WSTRING CurrentUserGroupId DWORD CurrentAdditionalUserGroupIds [...] Name WSTRING(511) CurrentUserGroupNameTextId
CurrentUser GetGroupCount GetGroupFromID [...] IDFromIndex GetGroupIndexFromID GetGroupNameFromID
5hash of the password dwUserGroupID [...] id abyUserGroupIDs [...] group ids if the user