of its real periphery. The real periphery [...] _Device.DeviceID , SLOT := 2 ,
: Quickstop Bit 2: External [...] ImmediateDisabling is FALSE, the value 2 [...] , index 2 = torque) _b
from BACnetObjectBase GetBACnetDateTime2 [...] from BACnetObjectBase GetBACnetReal [...] from BACnetObjectBase GetBACnetTime2
_128_1 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_REAL_128_2 [...] _256_1 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_REAL_256_2 [...] _CAMTable_LREAL_128_1 (Struct) SMC_CAMTable_LREAL_128_2
_UNAVAILABLE 16#2 Resources [...] .e. half a REAL data [...] _NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_SPECIFIED_PATH 16#2E The object
(Property) ITrendRecording2 (Interface) Initialize2 (Method) RegisterTrendRecording2
: errorstop 2: stopping 3 [...] AXIS_REF_SM3 bRegulatorReal [...] _REF_SM3 bDriveStartReal
: errorstop 2: stopping 3 [...] AXIS_REF_SM3 bRegulatorReal [...] _REF_SM3 bDriveStartReal
: errorstop 2: stopping 3 [...] AXIS_REF_SM3 bRegulatorReal [...] _REF_SM3 bDriveStartReal
: errorstop 2: stopping 3 [...] AXIS_REF_SM3 bRegulatorReal [...] _REF_SM3 bDriveStartReal