padding string [...] with native IEC-Strings or with strings coming
padding string [...] with native IEC-Strings or with strings coming
ToUpper : BYTE [...] character (i.e. a byte) of a string
DT STRING(31) Output wJahr WORD byMonat BYTE byTag BYTE byStunde BYTE
EncodingType BYTE sSimplyEncodedData STRING sTransferSyntaxName STRING Optional by
CharBufferString [...] of the buffer (in bytes), where the string is stored.
TO BYTE pointer to data [...] InstancePath POINTER TO BYTE name [...] only for (W)STRINGs: size
TO OpcUa_Guid ByteStringArray POINTER TO OpcUa_ByteString [...] ElementArray POINTER TO OpcUa_ByteString
UnreadContentSize IgnoreBytes Move [...] NextConditional MoveUp ReadByte ReadBytes ReadBytes
Raw WriteByte WriteBytes WriteBytes [...] DataStartTag WriteEndTag WriteFillBytes