DateTime (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE DateTime : [...] an exact time. “ui
SysTimeRtcGet (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysTime [...] . <p>UTC time
queue in seconds dMinTime
. triggerTime LREAL The duration in seconds [...] of the triggerTime is limited
Out: Name Type StartTime OpcUa_DateTime CurrentTime OpcUa_DateTime
an exact time. “ui [...] Minute” and “uiSecond” define the exact time. “ui
Comment lDateAndTime DT Time and date [...] field not valid xNoTime
Interval in seconds. ws [...] is a time interval measured in seconds
and second from the IEC 6-1131-3 format DATE_AND_TIME . [...] DTSplit ERROR Input dtDateAndTime
pointer to data udiTime [...] : second drive)