BOOL InOut: Scope [...] UploadRequest BOOL Input wIndex WORD bySubIndex BYTE
Done BOOL bBusy BOOL bError BOOL wErrorId WORD h [...] bEnable BOOL st
Done BOOL bBusy BOOL bError BOOL wErrorId WORD [...] Enable BOOL st
RisingEdge BOOL Return PrepareLatchControlWord [...] PrepareLatchControlWord [...] PrepareLatchControlWord
StringTokenizer : BOOL [...] Tokenizer BOOL Input pbIn POINTER TO WORD pb
SpaceCharacter : BOOL see https [...] SpaceCharacter BOOL Input wCharacter WORD
Done BOOL bBusy BOOL bError BOOL wErrorId WORD [...] bEnable BOOL st
Enable BOOL hFile DWORD p [...] Output bDone BOOL bBusy BOOL bError BOOL w
Enable BOOL hFile DWORD p [...] Output bDone BOOL bBusy BOOL bError BOOL w
Input xExecute BOOL [...] Abort BOOL FALSE TRUE [...] Buffer POINTER TO WORD Pointer