Library Reference ¶ This is a dictionary of all referenced libraries and their name spaces.
Plc Services Library Documentation ¶ Company System Title Plc Services Version Categories Intern|DataServer Author 3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH Placeholder Plc Services Description 1 ¶ This library provides access to another plc using the communication interface. Contents: ¶ AddLogMessage (Function) ComponentConstants (GVL) Constants (GVL) Enumerations PlcAppConnectionInitFlags (Enum) PlcAppConnectionInternalShuttingDown (Enum) PlcCryptType (Enum) PlcMonitoringErrorCodes (Enum) PlcServiceByteOrder (Enum) PlcServiceChannelMode (Enum) PlcServiceChannelState (Enum) PlcSymbolicMonitoringType (Enum) PlcSymbolicQuality (Enum) PlcVarListMonitoringState (Enum) Global_Instances (GVL) IPlcServiceChannel (Interface) Byteorder (Property) CommBufferSize (Property) ErrorCode (Property) GetReply (Method) Mode (Property) RegisterCallbackTarget (Method) ReleaseReply (Method) Send (Method) SendRaw (Method) State (Property) UnregisterCallbacktarget (Method) IPlcServiceChannelCallbackTarget (Interface) ChannelError (Method) ReplyReceived (Method) IServiceHelper (Interface) CreateResponse (Method) CreateService (Method) SavepointMemory (Property) ITaggedServiceReader (Interface) GetContent (Method) GetContentSize (Method) GetUnreadContentSize (Method) IgnoreBytes (Method) IsDataTag (Property) MoveDown (Method) MoveNext (Method) MoveNextConditional (Method) MoveUp (Method) ReadByte (Method) ReadBytes (Method) ReadBytesSwapped (Method) ReadDWord (Method) ReadLWord (Method) ReadString (Method) ReadWString (Method) ReadWord (Method) TagId (Property) ValidTag (Property) ITaggedServiceWriter (Interface) WriteByte (Method) WriteBytes (Method) WriteBytesSwapped (Method) WriteComplexStartTag (Method) WriteDWord (Method) WriteDataStartTag (Method) WriteEndTag (Method) WriteFillBytes (Method) WriteLWord (Method) WritePString (Method) WriteString (Method) WriteWord (Method) ITaggedServiceWriter2 (Interface) WriteDWordSwapped (Method) WriteLWordSwapped (Method) WriteWordSwapped (Method) ITaggedServiceWriter3 (Interface) AppendRaw (Method) Intern CodeWriter (FunctionBlock) OnChannelError (Function) OnChannelReply (Function) PlcServiceChannel (FunctionBlock) SCM_ChannelInfo (Struct) SCM_ChannelState (Enum) TaggedServiceReader (FunctionBlock) TaggedServiceWriter (FunctionBlock) Logging GVL_LogPlcServices (GVL) PlcServiceLog_Binary (Function) PlcServiceLog_CurrentTime (Function) PlcServiceLog_DumpDataItem (Function) PlcServiceLog_DumpDataItem2 (Function) PlcServiceLog_DumpDataItemBase (Function) PlcServiceLog_DumpDataItemWriting (Function) PlcServiceLog_Error (Function) PlcServiceLog_ErrorAndClose (Function) PlcServiceLog_LogLine (Function) PlcServiceLog_OkAndClose (Function) LoggingHelper (FunctionBlock) FB_Exit (Method) FB_Init (Method) PlcAppConnection (FunctionBlock) Close (Method) CommBufferSize (Property) CutItemsAfterFirstDot (Property) ExecuteDataServerReply (Method) ExecuteMonitoringReply (Method) ExecuteSymbolicMonitoringReply (Method) IServiceHelper-Methods Initialize (Method) Internal-access-Methods InternalShutdownFlags (Property) IsSwappingNeeded (Method) LastError (Property) MonitoringProvider (Property) MonitoringProvider2 (Property) MonitoringProviderSupportsPartialLists (Property) Private-Build-services-Methods Private-Parse-replies-Methods Private-State-Methods Private-Utility-Methods RetryTime (Property) SendDataServerRequest (Method) SendMonitoringRequest (Method) SendSymbolicMonitoringRequest (Method) SendSymbolicWriteVariablesRequest (Method) SendWriteVariablesRequest (Method) StartConnection (Method) StartShutdownConnection (Method) State (Property) StaticMemory (Property) UpdateState (Method) PlcService (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) Data (Property) DataValid (Property) FB_Exit (Method) Finish (Method) HaveToSwap (Property) Header (Property) InitSavepoint (Method) RestoreSavepoint (Method) StoreSavepoint (Method) Writer (Property) PlcServiceChannelMgr (FunctionBlock) BeginCreateChannel (Method) ChannelErrorCallback (Method) ChannelReplyCallback (Method) GetChannel (Method) GetCreateChannelResult (Method) ReleaseChannel (Method) prvFindChannelByHandle (Method) prvFindChannelByInterface (Method) PlcServiceResponse (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) Destroy (Method) FB_Exit (Method) Header (Property) Reader (Property) private PlcVarListMonitoring (FunctionBlock) Building-Services Initialize (Method) OnExecuteMonitoringReply (Method) OnMonitoringRequestSent (Method) OnShuttingDown (Method) Parsing-Resonses Send-Requests SendMonitoringRequest (Method) States Utility-Functions WantsShutdownNotification (Property) prvState (Property) Projektinformationen GetBooleanProperty (Function) GetCompany (Function) GetNumberProperty (Function) GetTextProperty (Function) GetTextProperty2 (Function) GetTitle (Function) GetVersion (Function) GetVersionProperty (Function) ReturnValues (GVL) Services (GVL) Structures DataBuffer (Struct) Guid (Struct) PlcAppConnectionMemory (Struct) PlcAppIdentification (Struct) PlcCredentials (Struct) PlcServiceHeader (Struct) Test Test_CBTarget (FunctionBlock) Test_Connection (Program) Test_DataItem (FunctionBlock) Test_DataItemProvider (FunctionBlock) Test_DataItemProviderBlackfin (FunctionBlock) Test_MonitoringValues (Struct) Test_OSRB (Program) Test_PRG (Program) Testcases (Enum) Utilities Byteorder MonitoringIdMap (FunctionBlock) OptimizedSymbolRequestBuilder (FunctionBlock) PlcMonitoringServiceHelper (FunctionBlock) Swapping Token (Struct) TokenVector (FunctionBlock) UDINT_UINT_Pair (Struct) UtilAreGuidsEqual (Function) UtilByteToHexString (Function) UtilCutStringAfterFirstDot (Function) UtilDumpReadBytes (Function) UtilDumpUInt (Function) UtilDwordToHexString (Function) UtilFindDataItemById (Function) UtilIsGeneralErrorReply (Function) UtilIsGuidEmpty (Function) UtilIsSwappedType (Function) UtilLogOptimizedRequest (Function) UtilMemCmp (Function) UtilMemCpy (Function) UtilMemCpyBytewiseUnchecked (Function) UtilMonitorDataItem (Function) UtilMonitorDataItemArray (Function) UtilPlcAppConnectionMemoryIsEmpty (Function) UtilPstrlen (Function) UtilReadMisalignedDWord (Function) UtilReadMisalignedLWord (Function) UtilReadMisalignedWord (Function) UtilReadValue (Function) UtilReaderHasAtLeastUnreadSize (Function) UtilReaderHasUnreadSize (Function) UtilSetQuality (Function) UtilSetSymbolicQuality (Function) UtilUINT_From_HexString (Function) UtilUintToHexString (Function) UtilWriteValueToWriter (Function) Indices and tables ¶ 1 Based on PlcServices.library, last modified 01.01.1601, 00:53:00. LibDoc The content file PlcServices.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP10 Patch 2 on 17.05.2017, 17:32:10.
PlcAppConnectionInitFlags (ENUM) ¶ TYPE PlcAppConnectionInitFlags : InOut: Name Initial Comment DoDeviceLogin 16#1 This flag is no longer evaluated as the device login is mandatory for plcs with runtime versions >= 3.5.2 and it does not hurt for older runtimes. Further code assumes that this flag is set. DoApplicationLogin 16#2 DoApplicationLoginWithoutGuidsCheck 16#4 Very special mode where the application login will be done but the appconnection does not know the guids of the runtime. Due to this the appconnection will store the returned guids and do no check if the guids are valid. This can be used for example if a known address shall be monitored. PointerSize16Bit 16#8 The default pointer size is 32 bit. Alternative sizes can be set using the following two (of course only one of them) flags PointerSize64Bit 16#10 NoByteSupport 16#20 Special mode for devices not supporting byte access. Not yet implemented for the dataserver.
PlcAppConnectionInternalShuttingDown (ENUM) ¶ TYPE PlcAppConnectionInternalShuttingDown : InOut: Name Initial OnWork 16#80000000 VarListMonitoring 16#1
PlcCryptType (ENUM) ¶ TYPE PlcCryptType : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Invalid Crypt_Xor
PlcMonitoringErrorCodes (ENUM) ¶ TYPE PlcMonitoringErrorCodes : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment CommunicationBufferOverrun 16#10000 Will be set, when the communication buffer was not large enough to monitor this item BufferOverrun 16#20000 Will be set, when an internal buffer in the PlcAppConnection is too small to monitor this item InvalidItem 16#30000 Will be set, when the item is somewhat inconsistent, eg. it has no local address, a write item has no write copy address,… UnknownAddressInfoType 16#40000 MissingGetAccessor 16#50000 A property address info item lacks a get accessor MissingSetAccessor 16#60000 A property address info item lacks a set accessor
PlcServiceByteOrder (ENUM) ¶ TYPE PlcServiceByteOrder : InOut: Name Intel Motorola Unknown
PlcServiceChannelMode (ENUM) ¶ TYPE PlcServiceChannelMode : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Synchronous Asynchronous
PlcServiceChannelState (ENUM) ¶ TYPE PlcServiceChannelState : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Normal Opening WaitingForReply ReplyAvailable Error Closed
PlcSymbolicMonitoringType (ENUM) ¶ TYPE PlcSymbolicMonitoringType : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment Simple This type does a symbolic monitoring where in every request the wished variables are requested by sending there instance paths. VarListMonitoring This type does a symbolic monitoring by first registering the current variable list, and furthermore only monitoring this list (without sending the instance paths in each request). When a change of the variable list is detected, the old list has to be unregistered and the new one has to be registered.