MC_MoveRelative_SML (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL MC_MoveRelative_SML Commands a controlled motion of a specified distance relative to the position at the time of the execution. Note The motion completes with velocity zero. The following figure shows the example of the combination of two instances of MC_MoveRelative_SML : The left part of the timing diagram illustrates the case if the second FB is called after the first one. If first reaches the commanded distance 6000 (and the velocity is 0), then the output Done causes the second FB to move the commanded distance 4000 to the resulting absolute position 10000. The right part of the timing diagram illustrates the case if the second FB starts the execution while the first FB is still executing. In this case, the first motion is interrupted and aborted by the Test signal during the constant velocity phase of the first FB. The second FB adds the distance 4000 to the actual position of 3250 to the resulting absolute position of 7250. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout Axis Axis_REF_SML Reference to the axis Input Execute BOOL Rising edge: The motion is started Distance LREAL Relative distancefor the motion (in technical units [u]) Velocity LREAL Value of the maximum velocity (always positive) (not necessarily reached) [u/s] Acceleration LREAL Value of the acceleration (always positive) (increasing energy of the motor) [u/s²] Deceleration LREAL Value of the deceleration (always positive) (decreasing energy of the motor) [u/s²] Output Done BOOL Commanded distance reached Busy BOOL The motion is not finished and new output values are to be expected CommandAborted BOOL The motion was interrupted by a motion command acting on the same axis Error BOOL Signals that an error has occured ErrorID SML_ERROR Error number
SML_TelegramReader_CAN (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL SML_TelegramReader_CAN IMPLEMENTS SML_ITelegramReader InOut: Scope Name Type Input usiNetwork USINT byNodeId BYTE Methods: Abort Execute Initialize IsActive Structure: Abort (Method) Execute (Method) Initialize (Method) IsActive (Method)
SML_TelegramReader_CAN.Abort (METH) ¶ METHOD Abort
SML_TelegramReader_CAN.Execute (METH) ¶ METHOD Execute
SML_TelegramReader_CAN.Initialize (METH) ¶ METHOD Initialize InOut: Scope Name Type Inout result SML_TgReadResult Input diAxisParameterNumber DINT
SML_TelegramReader_CAN.IsActive (METH) ¶ METHOD IsActive : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return IsActive BOOL
SML_TelegramWriter_CAN (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL SML_TelegramWriter_CAN IMPLEMENTS SML_ITelegramWriter InOut: Scope Name Type Input usiNetwork USINT byNodeId BYTE Methods: Abort Execute Initialize IsActive Structure: Abort (Method) Execute (Method) Initialize (Method) IsActive (Method)
SML_TelegramWriter_CAN.Abort (METH) ¶ METHOD Abort
SML_TelegramWriter_CAN.Execute (METH) ¶ METHOD Execute
SML_TelegramWriter_CAN.Initialize (METH) ¶ METHOD Initialize InOut: Scope Name Type Inout result SML_TgWriteResult Input diAxisParameterNumber DINT pbyData POINTER TO BYTE usiDataLength USINT