Bushandler ¶ This folder provides the function blocks to handle SNC service data over various bus driver types to a specific F-SPS
SenseHat.Fb_Exit (METH) ¶ METHOD Fb_Exit : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return Fb_Exit BOOL Input bInCopyCode BOOL TRUE: The exit method is called in order to leave the instance, which will be copied afterwards (Online-Change).
EtherCAT ¶ This folder provides the function blocks for a SNC EtherCAT device driver which represents a F-SPS being an EtherCAT slave. DEVDRV_ETC (GVL) SncEtherCATDriver (FunctionBlock) BlockTimeoutMs (Property) BlockTimeoutMultiplier (Property) CommBufferSize (Property) CommTimeout (Property) FSpsBusID (Property) InitDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) MsgTimeoutMs (Property) ScanDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) ScanTimeoutMs (Property)
SenseHat.GammaReset (METH) ¶ METHOD GammaReset
Single FSps ¶ This folder provides the function blocks for a SNC single F-SPS device driver which represents a F-SPS communicating via SharedMemory with the Std-SPS. There can only be one of this type. SncSingleDevDriver (FunctionBlock) BlockTimeoutMs (Property) CommBufferSize (Property) FSpsBusID (Property) InitDeviceSpecificFSps (Method) MsgTimeoutMs (Property) ScanDeviceSpecificFSps (Method)
03 Device Description ¶ This folder provides the function block to describe a F-SPS device. SncDevDesc (FunctionBlock) FSpsAddress (Property) FSpsDevAddress (Property) FSpsMasterIdx (Property) FSpsVendorID (Property)
SncDevDesc (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL SncDevDesc IMPLEMENTS ISncDevDesc Base class for a device description of a F-SPS which is addressed by SNC services Properties: FSpsAddress FSpsDevAddress FSpsMasterIdx FSpsVendorID Structure: FSpsAddress (Property) FSpsDevAddress (Property) FSpsMasterIdx (Property) FSpsVendorID (Property)
SenseHat.GetGamma (METH) ¶ METHOD GetGamma InOut: Scope Name Type Inout GammaValue Gamma
04 Comm Drivers ¶ This folder provides the function blocks for various communication drivers ( block drivers) based on EtherCAT or SharedMemory communication. BlkDriver Stuff EtherCAT based CommDriver SHM based CommDriver
SenseHat.GetRecommendedODRSetting (METH) ¶ METHOD PROTECTED GetRecommendedODRSetting : USINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetRecommendedODRSetting USINT