The properties get fixed [...] by the "Client Animation [...] is supported by the "Client
The properties get fixed [...] by the "Client Animation [...] is supported by the "Client
FctGetNextVisu (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION FctGet [...] for FbClient
FctGetPreviousVisu (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION FctGet [...] for FbClient
VisuFctGet [...] VisuFctGetElementEntry : POINTER TO VisuStructElementClient
IVisuManager3.GetNextShownVisu (METH) ¶ METHOD Get [...] For the given client: Returns
IVisuManager3.GetPreviousShownVisu (METH) ¶ METHOD Get [...] For the given client: Returns
about the communication channel rtc-get [...] in clients/users sessinfo [...] in clients/users *
you about the inconsistency. You get [...] versions of the client
and the Variable property gets [...] Visu and the Support client [...] is supported by the "Client