of ethernet interface [...] data. InOut: Scope [...] (255) Name of ethernet
receive the response [...] TargetIP is at abyTargetMAC ) itfEthernet [...] to the Ethernet adapter
ethernet adapter [...] ethernet adpater, DCP [...] are available. No data
IPAddress (Function) UdpGetReceiveDataSize (Function) UdpOpenReceive [...] OpenSendSocket (Function) UdpReceiveData
of receiving a process data [...] -Example PROGRAM ReceiveData VAR [...] Variant 1: receive data
of the received data. Note [...] of the received data xReceived [...] message was received
has received a process data [...] to receive a process data [...] for the same request. RECEIVE 1
received. COMM_SHM_DATA [...] This data type describes [...] PARAM_DATA_LENGTH 16
has received a request to provide a process data [...] for the same request. RECEIVE 1
to receive diData [...] SockRecvFromUdp : __XINT Receive [...] received Input h