DrvPLCNextAxioLib.PDIRead ; stDataRead : [...] read.pData := ADR ( stDataRead ); read.uiMaxData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Settings pInputData [...] Registers pOutputData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Settings pInputData [...] Registers pOutputData
to receive data. The pointer pData specifies [...] the read data to. udi
Data received [...] .Generic_Service ; data : usint := [...] .CIPCommonService.SET_ATTRIBUTE_SINGLE ; dut.pWriteData
MaxKeyBytes UDINT pData POINTER TO ACP_TypedValue udiMaxData [...] Name Type Return
PropertyByCallAddressInfo pData POINTER TO BYTE itemType PlcDataItemType [...] Out: Scope Name Type
. Note Data received [...] _PRG VAR arData : ARRAY [...] ..x is instance level *) pRequestData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] The pointer to the data [...] where the data shall
, whether the data source [...] of the data, that was read [...] Out: Scope Name Type