, the SDOs (service data [...] with the required data objects [...] #ad). If the Byte array option
the curve of array values [...] Variable (numeric data [...] (numeric data type
and configured as an array [...] and increases the array [...] {0, 1, 2,…} Array
. Data Layout Editor Opens the Data Layout [...] data (0..1785 bytes
to a byte array [...] the data. In CODESYS , [...] array is transferred
Configuration Data sources (Data Source Manager [...] of arrays, each index
CODESYS Development System
<identifier> : <data type [...] _GLOBAL <data type>: <elementary data type |
(Service Data Objects [...] with the required data objects [...] #ad). If the Byte array option
to your application data [...] of visualizations, array access from the visualization, real-time data
, this corresponds to an ARRAY[ .. [...] MultiFb_A : ARRAY [...] ARRAY[1..10] OF Fb