Out: Scope Name Type [...] UDINT Input pData [...] .ByteOrder The byteorder of the data
Out: Scope Name Type [...] ProtocolDataUnit target [...] .ByteOrder The byteorder of the data
Out: Scope Name Type [...] ReaderBufferSize UDINT pDataBuffer POINTER TO BYTE udiData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] _T_PROFI_SERVICE_DESCR pData POINTER TO BYTE pData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] sending request pSendData [...] the data to be send
specific data type [...] PVOID (ALIAS) ¶ TYPE PVOID : __XWORD
specific data type [...] SIZE (ALIAS) ¶ TYPE SIZE : __UXINT
Out: Scope Name Type [...] that should be handled @IECCodeConverter_Type: String pClientData
the data received [...] buffer. The data [...] that the the data must be sent
to receive data. The pointer pData specifies [...] the read data to. sz