GetInfo (Function) SysTaskGetPriority [...] Resume (Function) SysTaskSetPriority [...] POUs ¶ SysTask
on the priority. ulTaskPriority [...] STRUCT Specifiy task [...] to ASYNCJOB_TASK In
Comment Constant TASK_PRIORITY UDINT 15 Priority of task to check NIC’s
of the task byPriority BYTE Priority of the task udi [...] SysTask
SysTaskGetOSPriority (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysTask [...] >Returns the operating system priority
=”IN”>RTS priority of the task [...] SYS_TASK_INFO (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SYS_TASK
SysTaskCreate (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysTask [...] to create a task in _run
! IECTASK_BASE_PRIORITY [...] is reserved for IEC tasks [...] COMMTASK_PRIORITY BYTE
SysTaskCreate2 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysTask [...] to create a task
Constant gc_udiTaskRWPriority UDINT 240 gc_udiTaskOpenerPriority UDINT gc_udiTask