RecvAvg LTIME Average time [...] SendAvg LTIME Average time [...] cycle. If the runtime
than the average planning task cycle time. Otherwise [...] planning cycle at most a
_avg LREAL The average [...] cycle. j_low LREAL [...] at planning time. cs
, and average of an input [...] is done over time [...] AVG INT Average
measure the average [...] ..10) 1 Number of time [...] shall be averaged
, and average of an input [...] is done over time [...] Average value
cycle time tWarpCycle [...] cycle time numAppCyclesPerWarpCycle [...] ” clock cycle by a
Count DWORD dwCycleTime DWORD dwCycleTimeMin DWORD dwCycleTime
Output udiReplyTime UDINT Average reply Time of the ping
dwSync0CycleTime DWORD Sync 0 cycle [...] Enable Sync 0 dwSync1CycleTime