IoDrvCIFXDeviceNet.CIFX_DiagSetBits2 (METH) ¶ METHOD CIFX_DiagSetBits [...] Return CIFX_DiagSetBits
in Bytes usiStartBit [...] of FMMU usiEndBit USINT [...] adress usiPhysStartBit
_Template_EdgeAbort LA: Bit 7: reserviert Bit 4..6: Length (1..4) Bytes
_Template_EdgeAbort LA: Bit 7: reserviert Bit 4..6: Length (1..4) Bytes
Segment.ClassID OR LogicalFormat.Byte [...] only have 8 or 16 bit [...] Segment.InstanceID OR LogicalFormat.Byte
WriteByte WriteLEDWord WriteLEWord BitGet BitSet BnZ Call
WriteByte WriteLEDWord WriteLEWord BitGet BitSet BnZ Call
more than 8 bit [...] byte in the Symbolic
. byVarType BYTE [...] POINTER TO BYTE Pointer [...] _CAMTappet dwTappetActiveBits
of bit at position N [...] N BYTE Bitnummer [...] value of the bit