) Example: PLC_PRG.iAngle2 [...] . Tip You can combine
) Example: PLC_PRG.iAngle2 [...] . Tip You can combine
CODESYS Safety for EtherCAT Safety Module
to the bEDM2 input via [...] EStopIn1 and bEStopIn2 , b [...] be combined in each case
CODESYS Application Composer
application. (The high-word
as the "K1/K2" LED of a [...] Code WORD Diagnosis
. Table 2 . Redundancy [...] . Combined read
(integer variable) or %5.2 [...] ) Example: PLC_PRG.iAngle2 [...] . Tip You can combine
) Example: PLC_PRG.iAngle2 [...] . Tip You can combine
) Example: PLC_PRG.iAngle2 [...] . Tip You can combine
CODESYS Safety for EtherCAT Safety Module
is fed back to the bEDM2 [...] MonIn1 and bMonIn2 , b [...] Secure1 and bSecure2 ) can