_BACNET_READ_MUL_INFO A pointer to a [...] _BACNET_APDU_PROPERTIES A pointer [...] a set of APDU
_BACNET_STATUS Function initiates a [...] will start a file [...] by a record marker
_GroupWait behaves like a buffered [...] , leading to a wait for a [...] the configured time. If a
creates a new timer and calls a callback [...] =”IN”>Pointer to a callback
for calling the “Start” service of a specific instance of a CIP object
for calling the “Stop” service of a specific instance of a CIP object
_BACNET_STATUS Function initiates a [...] _BACNET_APDU_PROPERTIES A pointer [...] a set of APDU
_BACNET_STATUS Function initiates a [...] _BACNET_APDU_PROPERTIES A pointer [...] a set of APDU
position of a multi [...] has a range of 2 [...] with a smaller range
ExecuteSingleVisuActionBase Requests a file transfer [...] -instance should be declarated within a permanent setting, e.g. a