Helper ¶ CreatePicoPLCProgram (Function) GetParamBool [...] ParamInt (Function) GetParamWord
3_ETC_SLAVE Input xExecute BOOL xAbort BOOL usiChannel USINT 1 wIDN WORD by
3_ETC_SLAVE Input xExecute BOOL xAbort BOOL usiChannel USINT 1 wIDN WORD by
3_ETC_SLAVE Input xExecute BOOL xAbort BOOL usiChannel USINT 1 wIDN WORD by
Initialize : BOOL In [...] Initialize BOOL Input p [...] OfMethodCallTypeDescs WORD h
Start POINTER TO WORD Pointer [...] StrictConversion BOOL
Start POINTER TO WORD Pointer [...] StrictConversion BOOL
_Min Iec_Bool Iec_Bit Iec_Byte Iec_Word
StartAddress WORD Startaddress [...] Length WORD length of sync [...] etc. xEnable BOOL
words). InOut: Scope [...] Input bEnable BOOL [...] Output bMActive BOOL