DataLogVarDescForQueue (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Data [...] Out: Name Type pby
AbsoluteAddressInfo pData POINTER TO BYTE itemType PlcDataItemType [...] Out: Scope Name Type
Ua_UpdateEventDetails (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Opc [...] Out: Name Type NodeId Opc [...] InsertReplace OpcUa_PerformUpdateType
Types ¶ COBID (Alias) DATA (Alias)
VisuStructTableColumnSimpleDynamicCellsData (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE VisuStructTableColumnSimpleDynamicCellsData EXTENDS VisuStructTableColumnSimpleDynamicCellsData
wNbrSlaves : WORD [...] Name Type Initial [...] NumberSlaves WORD number
process data record [...] the data using [...] a process data
from the continueData . [...] using the continueData [...] Name Type Comment
_PRG VAR data : Io [...] _VAR data := IoDrvKnxlibrary.DPT10_KNX_to_IEC ( InputDPT_10.Data
data : Io [...] _VAR data := IoDrvKnxlibrary.DPT19_KNX_to_IEC ( InputDPT_19.Data