Name Type Initial [...] Master WORD 16#20 Module-Types [...] PB_PRM_SLAVE_PRM_DATA
_SendUnconnectedMessage (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE EIP [...] Out: Name Type Comment x [...] attribute pData POINTER
Name Type Initial [...] Master WORD 16#20 Module-Types [...] PB_PRM_SLAVE_PRM_DATA
the underlying data array. InOut: Scope Name Type
the underlying data array. InOut: Scope Name Type
: BOOL close data [...] Name Type Return
(Struct) Types COBID (Alias) DATA (Alias)
Test_DataItemProviderBlackfin.Initialize (METH) ¶ METHOD [...] Out: Scope Name Type
to write data [...] by pointer pData contains the data to be written
to sent data [...] by pointer pData contains the data to be written