</element> ulCycleTime UDINT <element name=”ulCycleTime [...] time</element> ulCycle
-Bus bus cycle time [...] -Bus transmission cycle [...] bus cycle
event udiSyncCycle UDINT SYNC cycle udiSyncWindowLength UDINT SYNC window udiSyncForewarnTime
. busTaskCycle ULINT The time [...] into the number of full cycles
position at a given time. The time is given as a [...] time. Note
for the current task cycle. May [...] multiple times in the same bus task cycle. In
Mode BYTE byCycleTime [...] byWatchDogTimeLow BYTE byWatchDogTime
of ITraceMgrVariable g_TimeFactorToDetectRecordingInterruption DINT 5 Time factor [...] with the average recording
a positive Time [...] values. With Time [...] cycle are read. Note
_SampleQueue Input taskCycleTime