in first byte of Fixed Header INVALID_PACKET_BIT [...] Bit Flags in first
DeviceInfo DPV1_WriteErrorBytes DiagSetBits , [...] IoDrvDPV1C1Master DPV1_WriteErrorBytes
TO BYTE Zeiger auf den [...] 4 Byte groß w [...] Anzahl Bits eFC IEC
OF BYTE or ARRAY [...] for bit and word access [...] TO BYTE Pointer to a
_SIZE encodes 8 bit binary [...] of bytes) will be base [...] . The reason is three 8-bit
TO BYTE Zeiger auf den [...] Bitstring die Anzahl Bits [...] 4 Byte groß e
ChannelPriority (BYTE [...] bits specify [...] bits the priority
Length (in bytes [...] Bit 0 to 10: SequenceNumber Bit 11
Segment.ClassID OR LogicalFormat.Byte [...] only have 8 or 16 bit [...] Segment.InstanceID OR LogicalFormat.Byte
LastReceivedCounter USINT Bit [...] MessageSendCounter) was received as last Bit7: toggle bit (mirror