SMC_R_Gantry_5Axis_Data [...] _BLOCK SMC_R_Gantry_5Axis_Data [...] Type Inout Axis
Out: Scope Name Type [...] WriterBufferSize UDINT pDataBuffer POINTER TO BYTE udiData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] ReaderBufferSize UDINT pDataBuffer POINTER TO BYTE udiData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] 61850_Encoding_Array_Count DINT Input tyDataPoint tyIEC61850_Data
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Parameter BYTE Inout tyMMS_DataExchange tyIEC61850_MMS_DataExchange
the data byte of one [...] Out: Scope Name Type [...] 8 USINT data content
Out: Scope Name Type Input pData0 POINTER TO BYTE pData1 POINTER
Type Comment Input Config ConfigData The configuration data Output Arm
ISO8823_FB.RX_CP_Type (ACT) ¶ simply-encoded-data
) ¶ TYPE DP_DIAG : STRUCT Data structure [...] diagnosis data (see