BACnetClientDevice [...] _BLOCK PUBLIC FINAL BACnetClientDevice [...] to execute a Device
ATo Input dwTargetDeviceNumber DWORD The device [...] device in the BACnet
ATo Input dwTargetDeviceNumber DWORD The device [...] device in the BACnet
BACnetClientReinitializeDevice [...] _BLOCK PUBLIC FINAL BACnetClientReinitializeDevice [...] to execute a Reinitialize-Device
ATo Input dwTargetDeviceNumber DWORD The device [...] device in the BACnet
ATo Input dwTargetDeviceNumber DWORD The device [...] device in the BACnet
DevObjPropReference Input bacRef CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_DEV_OBJ_PROP_REFERENCE The BACnet device object
BACnetDevice [...] VTClassesSupported : Cmp [...] VTClassesSupported Cmp
BACnetDevice [...] ActiveVTSessions : Cmp [...] ActiveVTSessions Cmp
BACnetDevice [...] ConfigurationFiles : Cmp [...] ConfigurationFiles Cmp