_GetMasterState CIF_GetRcsError CIF [...] _SetDeviceFlags CIF_Shutdown CIF_StartBus [...] DrvScanModules IoDrvStartBus
DrvEtherNetIPAdapter_Diag (FunctionBlock) IBus GetBusInfo (Method) GetBus [...] DeviceDiagnosisInfo (Method) GetDeviceError
out on bus detected FM [...] station in ring FM2_MAC_ERROR [...] error FM2_HW_ERROR
less than bus task interval, then the bus [...] between planning task and bus
of the bus task in order [...] . Otherwise, an error will [...] return an error
the bus status, use [...] is in startup phase. xError [...] Controller is in error
State (Enum) ERROR (Enum [...] DrvEtherNetIP_diag (FunctionBlock) IBus GetBusInfo (Method) GetBus
communication each bus cycle [...] configuration error [...] mismatch) S_eError
DPM_BUS_DP (Struct [...] (Struct) tError (Struct
_GetMasterState (Method) CIF_GetRcsError [...] _Shutdown (Method) CIF_StartBus