StringLiteral_To_String [...] StringLiteral_To_String [...] Out: Scope Name Type
Type Return OpcUaStringGetRawString [...] OpcUaStringGetRawString (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION OpcUaStringGetRawString
_StringPool.GetString (METH) ¶ METHOD GetString [...] out of this StringPool In
OpcUaStringAttachToString (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION OpcUaStringAttachToString [...] Out: Scope Name Type
for the STRING data type [...] of the placeholder. The data type [...] format. The data type
variable of type INT [...] string variables You can use a string
of the data structure: TYPE [...] of type Poly5 can [...] in the segment of type Line
CODESYS Development System
of data type STRING [...] data type of type STRING . The attribute
(numeric data type [...] Type Analog Clock [...] format string
variable of data type [...] alarms of type STRING [...] of data type DT or DATE