CODESYS Development System
ST Statement: IF The IF statement is used for checking a condition and, depending on this condition, for executing the subsequent statements. A condition is coded as an expression that returns a Boole
CODESYS Development System
ST Statement: FOR The FOR loop is used to execute statements with a certain number of repetitions. Syntax: FOR <counter> := <start value> TO <end value> {BY <increment> } DO <instructions> END_FOR; Th
CODESYS Development System
ST Statement: CASE The CASE statement is a conditional control structure which causes a statement or a section of a statement to be executed only under a specific condition. The section which is execu
CODESYS Development System
ST Statement: RETURN Use the RETURN statement in order to exit from a function block. You can make this dependent on a condition , for example. Example 64 . Example IF xIsDone THEN RETURN; END_IF; iCo
CODESYS Development System
ST Statement: EXIT The EXIT statement is used in a FOR loop, WHILE loop, or REPEAT loop in order to end the loop regardless of other abort conditions. :
CODESYS Development System
ST Function Block Call Calling a function block in ST Syntax <FB instance>(<FB input variable>:=<value or address>\|, <other FB input variables>); Example 67 . Example TMR:TON; TMR (IN:=%OX5, PT:=T#30
CODESYS Development System
Structured Text and Extended Structured Text (ExST) :
CODESYS Development System
ST Editor The ST editor is a textual editor used for the implementation of code in Structured Text (ST) and Extended Structured Text (ExST). The line numbering is displayed on the left side of the edi
CODESYS Development System
ST Editor in Online Mode In online mode, CODESYS displays the variables and expressions in the ST editor ( Monitoring of Values ). The writing and forcing of variables and expressions as well as debu