Command: Pin project Pinning a safety application Function : Using the Pin project command, a pin is set on the current execution version of the listed objects and on the entire safety application (fo
Command: Clear pin Function : Using the Clear pin command, the current pin is deleted and all objects are once again In Work . (For a description of the 'pinning' function, see: Pinning ). Call : Clea
Command: Print comparison Function : With the command, the pin comparison of two projects can be printed. For more information about the pin comparison, see: Comparison editor Call : Print comparison
Pinning Preparatory measure for the verification The developer has to take preparatory measures for the verification of the safety application. An important aspect here is to define the version of the
Programming level Basic - Extended Language subset of safety programming with CODESYS Safety Extension The language subset of Safety FBD ( FBD Language Elements ) is limited according to the Basic and
FBD Language Elements The following objects and their elements generally serve the implementation of the program code of a safety application: Global variables of the Safety Global Variable List POUs
Insert Network (below) Symbol: Shortcut: Ctrl + T Function : The command inserts a new network below the current network. Call : Menu: Safety FBD Context menu in the Safety FBD Editor :
Command: Toggle network comment state Symbol: Shortcut: Ctrl + O Function : The Toggle network comment state command comments out a network or places the network in the normal state. For more informat