of bit at position N [...] N BYTE Bitnummer [...] value of the bit
TaskName ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE [...] TaskCondition BYTE abreserved ARRAY [0..4] OF BYTE
TO BYTE target [...] Type is set to IEC_TYPE.TYPE_BIT [...] as Bit 30+31: BIT
_PACKET_HEADER_T byMacid BYTE abRes ARRAY [0..2] OF BYTE [...] AddErr BYTE abyData ARRAY
to next byte border [...] bytes after some single bit modules
TO BYTE dwBitSize DWORD dwBitOffset DWORD
TO BYTE dwBitSize DWORD dwBitOffset DWORD
ControllerMode ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE [...] -tuned using the bit [...] ImmediateDisabling=FALSE. Bit
-ID abyData ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE Array for up to 8 data bytes usi