. The data is shown [...] on the right. Any data [...] overwrite the data
or an Output Data Point Type The data types (DPT = Data Point Types
ErrorTypeData Input [...] ErrorContext_ReadType [...] ErrorContext_ReadType
Point (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE tyIEC61850_SubsData [...] Out: Name Type Comment pData [...] to the datapoint eType ENUM61850_DataPoint_Type
any data type. In SensorData [...] data type. Assign [...] to exchange data
Visu Recommendations for data [...] of data security [...] additional data link
dataType Opc [...] ID of the data type node. i [...] OpcUaVariableType
of the same data type. An I [...] on the data type [...] data types Force new
CODESYS Safety for EtherCAT Safety Module
of data types INT [...] . For the data types UINT [...] _INPUT Name Data Type
CODESYS Development System
. Permitted data types [...] : any numeric basic data type Permitted data types