Message (Function) _CreateArrayReceiver (Function) _CreateIdAreaReceiver (Function) _CreateMaskReceiver
while receiving a data block
_CONFIG (Struct) Unsafe_SDG_Receiver [...] and data flow Sequence [...] and data flow Types
receive buffer. Put the data received [...] as follows: Received data
while receiving a data block
pbyData POINTER TO BYTE diData [...] TO __XINT Received
than 256 MB ! g_udiMaxReceive [...] of the receive buffer [...] the packets to be received
Clone (Function) MsgGetData [...] GetRXChg (Function) MsgReceive
of the correlation data receive buffer |paCorrelationData [...] . udiCorrelationData
Message (Function) CreateIdAreaReceiver (Function) CreateMaskReceiver [...] Message (Function) CreateSingleIdReceiver