scanned_ip_address_and_port [...] Tracked by IP using UDP [...] 3 ¶ Tracked by IP
CODESYS Development System
interfaces COM Port Serial port on the device [...] on a COM port
and port option [...] and port (255 [...] and ports for the list
should not be used, then the IP [...] . The IP address [...] and the IP address
, the programming ports [...] . The most important port numbers [...] system 1217: Gateway
IP address The IP [...] nor the IP address [...] name or IP address
ports 1740 to 1743 and TCP ports 1217 + [...] , the programming ports
. Next to Port <port [...] the IP addresses [...] the ip a s command
CODESYS Automation Server
dialog lists the IP [...] is listed as IP addresses [...] after each IP address. Select
CODESYS Development System
(mostly UDP ports 1740..1743 and TCP ports 1217 + [...] , the programming ports